In Work: 25.02.2010 ipllogo uniks


The working concept for the department is derived from the Object-Subject-Model relationship.

The viewpoint is the object, which is the reality in the factory. The subject, ex: the factory planner – analyses, fragments and models the object with the sensory perception and by the experience of rational perception, with the objective to reflect/control the object. A model is developed using software in the computer. It serves as a aid for realisation and direct control of the object in the form of operative control station.

Simulation and Logistics are investigated, developed and taught as fundamental procedures for the modelling and control of manufacturing plants. The new realisations from the factory development help to begin a model for factory components and logistic algorithms. Examples of logistic procedures are the organisation of tools in flexible production systems, intelligent control of transport system without a driver, production control procedure such as Kanban and Just-in-Time.

The theory, all the derived methods and tools are put into practise. They are tested for the required services. The main viewpoint is the integration of the operational knowledge. In a factory model, all the existing data models from the parallel process of the product development and factory development flow together.

The factory model is the technical software illustration of the product structure, the factory structure, and all logistic procedures for the production control.

Transfer of Technology and Services 
The factory Simulator SIMFLEX/2 is the result of research, development and teachings. SIMFLEX/2 was the only interactive graphic simulator that existed in 1976. In industry the simulator is used everyday and also developed further (see SIMFLEX/3).SIMFLEX/2 is not only a tool for factory development but it is also used as a software system, an operational control station for the control of technical plants.

The department has experiences servicing different industries such as automobile and supporting industry, machine tool manufacturer, manufacturers of package, food and tobacco processing etc.

Lectures and Know-How
The contents of the lecture offered by the department is derived from the research works and it is oriented towards the requirements of the profile by the Factory planners. The students are trained from the first through the last semester with sequence of constructive courses. Also, by working for a thesis or student job, the student get the opportunity to work independently.

The  lectures offer topics on software technology, simulation methods, development of Simulators, design and logistics that is involved in the factory planning for technical plants. 

The numerous articles, books, industrial seminars & VDI recommendations (particularly VDI 3633) has made the know-How publicly available. In this way, the department of Production System works in co-operation with the ASIM simulation research group.

